Partnership Program is aimed at improving skills of the small businesses that are already signed up as Pertamina’s fostered partners so they can be more resilient and independent while creating multiplier effects in the form of better welfare of the community surrounding Pertamina’s business locations. Among the program activities are business counselling, focused trainings as well as promotion and marketing. The fostered partners of Pertamina also have the opportunities to empower local potentials, economy, social resources and environment aimed at promoting the community-based economy and equal state of development.
In the meantime, to sustain Pertamina’s business continuity and the business of the fostered partners, Pertamina introduces a partnership program that has already disbursed Rp3.3 trillion loans to more than 60,000 fostered partners that run many sectors from Sabang to Merauke.
The Partnership Program is to help the small businesses to grow and scale up their businesses to be more productive, efficient and profitable businesses. Start your own business and grow with us.
Partnership Program Terms and Conditions.
How to Apply for Partnership Program Loan
Types of Partnership Program Aids
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