1 Year of Fully Operated PLBC, Pertamina Confirms To strenghten Energy Independence  

Jakarta, August 9, 2020 - After fully operating for one year since August 2019, PT Pertamina (Persero) believes that the Langit Biru Cilacap  Project (PLBC), which has been integrated with the Refinery Unit IV at the Cilacap Refinery, has strengthen the energy independence.

 "This is an important achievement. After a year of PLBC running, Pertamina is optimistic that it has strengthen the energy independence and national energy security," said Chief Executive Officer of PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI), Ignatius Tallulembang.

The Cilacap refinery is Pertamina's largest refinery, with a crude processing capacity of 348 thousand barrels per day, equivalent to 33% of Indonesia's total refinery capacity.  After the PLBC, continued Ignatius Tallulembang, the Cilacap Refinery can produce more environmentally friendly fuel oil equivalent to Euro 4, and increase the production of Pertamax fuel products from 1 million barrels per month to 1.6 million barrels per month.

Also, in the implementation of the PLBC, Pertamina was able to record 41.52% TKDN. It exceeded the target or above government regulation, which set a standard of 30%.

The project, with an investment value of US $ 392 million, also has a positive impact on community. It moves the economy because this project has around 3,000 workers involved during the peak construction period and contributed to GDP growth of 0.12 percent.

As a partner in the development of the PLBC, the Director of JGC Indonesia, Suryadi Kresno, appreciate the performance achievement of the two parties on this collaboration.

 "The highest appreciation goes to Pertamina for building a good working relationship from the start. We are very proud to be able to participate in the development of the PLBC and contribute to energy independence in Indonesia," said Suryadi during the signing of the PLBC Final Acceptance (FA) Certificate at Pertamina Head Office on Friday, August 7, 2020. 

On the same occasion, Director of Operations of PT KPI, Djoko Priyono, said that the project activities were completed through mutual trust.

 "Through the existing challenges, project activities can be completed through good cooperation between Pertamina, the JGC consortium, and the surrounding community who work on the project. Therefore, several targets, such as the Domestic Component Level (TKDN), are above the set target, specifically 41.52%. It is above the 30% government regulation and recorded 17 million safe working hours, "said Djoko. **

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