Area Manager of Comm, Rel, CSR, & Comp RU VII Kasim, Ferdy Saputra, presenting material to national media at the 2024 Pertamina Journalism Awards media briefing with the theme "Energizing The Acceleration" of Maluku and Papua Regional at Hotel Aston, Papua, Friday, (13/09/24).

AJP Socialization in Sorong: Pertamina Outlines Upstream to Downstream Business Operations in Papua

Jakarta, 13 September 2024 – PT Pertamina (Persero) held the Anugerah Jurnalistik Pertamina (AJP) 2024 socialization in Sorong. In addition to presenting technical details about AJP 2024, Pertamina also outlined its integrated business operations, from upstream to downstream, which are active in Papua.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fadjar Djoko Santoso, explained that Pertamina’s business operations in Papua are comprehensive in the upstream oil and gas, refining, downstream, and natural gas network distribution. Pertamina also operates a hospital network serving the people of Papua.

"Pertamina continues to expand its business operations in Eastern Indonesia to strengthen energy resilience while supporting the economic growth of communities in Papua and Maluku," Fadjar stated.

Various Pertamina Group entities operating in the Papua region were present at this socialization event, including Pertamina EP Papua Field, RU VII Kasim, Pertamina Patra Niaga Regional Maluku – Papua, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara for Eastern Indonesia, and Pertamina Sorong Hospital.

Assistant Manager of Papua Well Services of PT Pertamina EP, Deni Kurniawan, mentioned that Pertamina EP Papua Field manages four oil and gas fields, namely Klamono, Salawati, Sele-Linda, and the Wakamuk Unitization, to support energy resilience in Papua.

"The oil and gas production from the fields managed by Pertamina EP is then channeled and processed at the Kasim Refinery into premium products," Deni explained.

Area Manager of Comm, Rel, CSR, & Comp RU VII Kasim, Ferdy Saputra, added that the Kasim Refinery is the only oil refinery in Eastern Indonesia.

"The Kasim Refinery has a production capacity of 10,000 barrels per day, with its main products being Pertalite, Biosolar B35, and LSFO," Ferdy said.

He added that Kasim Refinery products are distributed to seven depots in Sorong, Biak, Serui, Jayapura, Wayame, Manokwari, and Tual.

"Kasim Refinery applies clean technology by using gas as the primary fuel," Ferdy added.

Area Manager of Comm, Rel, & CSR Papua-Maluku of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga (PPN), Edi Mangun, stated that to distribute energy across Papua and Maluku, PPN has an energy distribution infrastructure consisting of 20 terminals, one jobber, and 12 Aviation Fuel Terminals (AFT). In addition, there are 476 land transportation fuel stations, 162 water transportation fuel stations, and 15 air transportation fuel stations.

"The fuel distribution in Papua and Maluku uses various modes of transportation, including land, sea, river, and even special aircraft for fuel transport," Edi said.

Head for Eastern Indonesia of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara, Fuad Hamzah, added that with the support of the state budget (APBN), PGN has built 10,619 household connections (SR) in Eastern Indonesia, with 2,087 SR in Wajo, 7,721 SR in Banggai, and 833 SR in Sorong.

"We will continue to strengthen the distribution of natural gas by collaborating with industrial zones in Eastern Indonesia," Fuad said.

In addition to energy, Pertamina also provides healthcare services through Pertamina Sorong Hospital. This hospital offers integrated health services focusing on occupational health and safety to meet the needs of a healthy and fit workforce.

"Our occupational health services focus on preventive and promotive measures to support worker health," said Dr. Felix, a medical staff member at Pertamina Sorong Hospital.

Pertamina, as a leading company in the energy transition, is committed to supporting the Net Zero Emission 2060 target by continuously promoting programs that directly impact the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) achievement. All these efforts align with Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) implementation across all Pertamina's business lines and operations.**

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