Anticipating Abrasion & Tsunami, Kilang Pertamina Internasional Cilacap Unit Plants 3,000 Sea Pine Trees on the South Coast

Cilacap, January 21, 2022 – To anticipate abrasion and tsunami in the southern coastal area, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Refinery Unit (RU) IV Cilacap planted 3,000 sea pine trees on Friday (21/1/2022). The planting, which involved the Cilacap Regency Government and environmental activists, was carried out around the Tegalkamulyan Beach embankment, South Cilacap.

Acting General Manager of PT KPI RU IV Cilacap, Didik Subagyo, said that caring for the environment is a shared responsibility of the government, society, and the business world. "The planting is also related to the momentum of the International  Million Trees Movement. Therefore, we involve various elements in this activity," he said.

Furthermore, the sea pine tree is one of the plants that function as a fortress or protection from abrasion and tsunamis. "Another function is a wind barrier, especially in areas prone to strong winds. Therefore, we hope it can help with mitigation efforts to minimize the occurrence of natural disasters," said Didik.

Pertamina focused on tree-planting initiatives in Cilacap Regency as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program in the environmental sector. "After planting today's trees, maintenance will be managed by the Gumregah Disaster Risk Reduction Forum (FPRB), Mitra Bina Wijaya, and the community in RW 8, Tegalkamulyan Village," added Didik.

The Regent of Cilacap, Tatto Suwarto Pamuji, appreciated Pertamina's program which focused on efforts to anticipate disasters through planting sea pine trees. "It is also the umpteenth time Pertamina has planted sea pine in the southern coastal area. It is a form of synergy and collaboration between the company, government, and community to anticipate abrasion and tsunami disasters," he said.

On that occasion, the Regent symbolically handed over a certificate of appreciation for supporters of the Climate Village Program (Proklim) from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment to the GM of PT KPI RU IV Cilacap. This award was given for the participation of PT KPI RU IV to support climate change adaptation and mitigation efforts in the Proklim location.

The activity was also attended by Dandim 0703/Cilacap, Lt. Col. (Inf) Andi Afandi; Danlanal Cilacap, Marine Colonel (PM), Sugeng Subagyo; Head of the Environment Agency, Sri Murniyati; The Chief Executive of the Cilacap Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Widjonardi, and related invitees.**

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