Carrying Out Mass Vaccination, Pertamina Supports Government to Accelerate Herd Immunity

Jakarta, July 24, 2021 - Pertamina continues to provide support for the acceleration of Covid-19 handling. In addition to distributing medical oxygen and completing the construction of the third Emergency Modular Hospital in Tanjung Duren, Pertamina is also supporting the Government in establishing herd immunity through a vaccination program. The vaccination program starts today, Saturday, July 24, 2021, until August 2, 2021, at Pertamina Head Office, Jakarta. A total of 10,000 vaccines have been prepared.

Acting SVP Corporate Communications & Investor Relations, Fajriyah Usman, said that from the 10-day vaccination program, it is hoped that there will be 1,000 vaccination participants per day.

"This vaccination is not only for Pertamina workers and family but is also open to the general public. The public can access the vaccination program at Pertamina through the Jaki application or register at Gambir Village," explained Fajriyah.

In this vaccination program, Pertamina synergizes with Pertamedika-IHC by deploying 55 health workers.

Devi Desianti, the Director of the IHC Pertamedika Clinic, hopes that this vaccination program would save friends, relatives, and parents' lives and safeguard many people in Indonesia.

"We as health workers are in an all-out condition. We are willing to sacrifice time, energy, and thoughts. For the community, please maintain their health and carry out health protocols as well as possible," said Devi.

Galuh, 29 years old, one of the vaccine participants from Bekasi, expressed his gratitude to Pertamina for this vaccination program. Galuh hopes to be healthier again after being vaccinated, increase immunity and minimize the risk of transmission.

"I received information from WA Group that Pertamina Pusat held vaccinations, then I applied. Thank you to Pertamina. My message to those who have not been vaccinated, get vaccinated as soon as possible because we need to support the Government to achieve herd immunity so that this pandemic condition ends quickly," Galuh concluded.**

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