Digital Transformation, Pertamina's Effort to Improve Energy Service

Jakarta, November 3, 2020 - Almost 63 years, PT Pertamina (Persero) steps to improve energy services and respond to the digital era continues and shows real results. Several digitalization initiatives have been running and implemented in business processes ranging from upstream to downstream.

In the public service sector, to strengthen fuel distribution monitoring, entering the 3rd Quarter, Pertamina has installed and integrated systems for 5518 gas stations or 100% complete. Furthermore, Pertamina is entering the data entry stage in the Gas Station dashboard system, which has reached 95% and is targeted to be completed by the end of 2020.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, explained that digitalization is one of the world's inevitable trends and has touched various industrial sectors, including the oil and gas and energy industry. Therefore, as a national energy company developing a world-class vision and in line with its 63rd-anniversary theme, namely energize you, Pertamina is very serious about carrying out digitalization programs in all business sectors simultaneously. It includes upstream, processing, downstream, and corporate governance systems.

"In the downstream sector, we are highly committed to serving the national energy better by realizing the digitization of gas stations and fuel terminals. Therefore, they can monitor the availability and resilience of fuel supply in each region, stock and sales of fuel and transactions at gas stations, as well as to increase supervision of the distribution of assignments fuel in one monitoring dashboard system," she said.

Likewise, in the processing sector, Fajriyah said, Pertamina has also succeeded in implementing digital applications to regulate the refinery maintenance schedule that has been implemented at the Balongan Refinery and the Dumai Refinery. In the future, Pertamina will expand this application to other refineries, namely the Cilacap Refinery, the Plaju Refinery, and the Balikpapan Refinery. According to her, digitalization can help speed up decision making so that operations become faster and more efficient. The digital system installed at Pertamina's refineries can optimize maintenance schedules to avoid downtime and safety performance in the field.

"Through this system, Pertamina can prepare integrated predictive maintenance through the adoption of advanced analytics, thereby minimizing the occurrence of unplanned refinery shutdowns, thereby increasing operational reliability in meeting national energy needs," she said.

Fajriyah added that in the upstream sector, which contributes to the company's main profit, Pertamina has also carried out digital transformation by building Upstream Cloud and Big Data Analytics to optimize the use of the centralized and integrated Petrotechnical application.

Apart from that, she continued, Pertamina has also carried out six main digitalization programs: the Loyalty Program, Digital Refinery, Knowledge Management & Best Practice in Upstream, Digital Procurement, and Corporate Digitalization. Corporate digitization includes document management implementation in the form of a more integrated p-office and digital signature.

"In the 4.0 industrial era, Pertamina will continuously carry out digital transformation because this step can contribute to the company's added value as the spearhead of national energy. Through digitization in the process of procuring goods and services, Pertamina is predicted to be able to provide the biggest contribution to efficiency, around IDR 1.5-2 trillion per year," said Fajriyah.

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