Encouraging Investment, Deputy Minister of SOE Visits WK Rokan

Pekanbaru, November 30, 2021 The Rokan Working Area (WK) in Riau has strategic value for energy security and the national economy. Therefore, the government pays special attention to PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) oil and gas work area performance.

"WK Rokan is a significant contributor to the country. We hope to realize the PHR investment plan in WK Rokan in the next few years," said Deputy Minister of SOE, Pahala N. Mansury, during his visit to ​​WK Rokan operating area on Monday (29/11). Pahala also appreciates the commitment and hard work of the workers at WK Rokan. "Thank you for everyone that ensures and carries out the management transfer properly while increasing production," said Pahala, who also serves as Deputy President Commissioner of Pertamina. 

The visit of the Deputy Minister of SOE to WK Rokan was welcomed directly by the Director of Subholding Upstream Pertamina, Budiman Parhusip, President Director of PHR, Jaffee A. Suardin, and the management of PHR WK Rokan. They reviewed the Integrated Optimization Decision Support Center (IODSC) facility located in Minas, Siak Regency. "Not only for national energy security, the massive and aggressive work plan of WK Rokan also supports the achievement of SHU," said Budiman Parhusip.

PHR WK Rokan is estimated to require an investment of around USD 3 billion (around IDR 42 trillion) in the first five years after management transfer. The program implemented includes drilling new wells, workovers, optimizing waterflood and steam injection, as well as chemical enhanced oil recovery (CEOR).

President Director of PHR, Jaffee A. Suardin, explained WK Rokan's achievements after management transfer, the development of the drilling program, the long-term plan to produce 300 thousand BOPD (barrels per day), and various methods of developing wells to increase production. In addition, he discussed digitization in WK Rokan through the existence of the IODSC facility. It includes the digitizing of WK ​​Rokan to other Pertamina upstream oil and gas working areas. Namely, Jambi Merang and Prabumulih. 

IODSC is the center for the digitization of the WK Rokan. This facility is a source of information or 'big data' related to well activities and equipment in the field. Every day there are about 4,000 to 5,000 data wells that enter. The data is processed so that it becomes valuable information needed in making quick and appropriate decisions. The application of digitization in the Rokan WK provides at least four main benefits. Namely, improving safety performance, significant reduction of potential loss of production / LPO up to about 40 percent, optimization of production facility capabilities, and increased efficiency. 

WK Rokan contributes almost 25 percent of national oil production. WK Rokan's production is around 162 thousand BOPD (barrels of oil per day), or an increase of 4 thousand BOPD compared to before management transfer, which was in the range of 158,000 BOPD. WK Rokan operations are currently supported by around 2,700 permanent employees and more than 22 thousand partners employees. Respectively, about 65 percent and 85 percent of them are residents of Riau. 

For the drilling program, PHR WK Rokan has succeeded in drilling more than 100 wells with zero fatal accidents and only in about three and a half months after the management transfer on August 9, 2021. Currently, PHR WK Rokan operates 17 drilling rigs.**

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