Increasing 50% Oxygen Distribution, Minister of Health of Indonesia Appreciates Pertamina's Fast Action for Covid-19 Handling

Jakarta, July 6, 2021 - The arrival of 21 ISO Tanks or oxygen tanks from Morowali, Southeast Sulawesi, is good news for Covid-19 patients who need oxygen in hospitals. The Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Budi Gunadi Sadikin, appreciated the efforts of PT Pertamina (Persero) who moved quickly and ready to distribute 21 oxygen tanks with a capacity of 20 tons of oxygen each.

When welcoming the arrival of the oxygen tanks at Tanjung Priok Port this morning (6/7), the Minister of Health said that the 21 oxygen tanks distributed will increase oxygen capacity to 400 tons or around 50% of the current capacity.

"Once again, I thank you for your support. I believe we can work together for this nation, and together we can certainly do it," said Budi.

On the same occasion, the Director of Logistics and Infrastructure of Pertamina, Mulyono, explained that Pertamina is always present to serve the Indonesian people, not only in terms of energy supply but also in supporting the government to distribute oxygen to hospitals to accelerate the handling of COVID-19.

The 21 oxygen tanks and their transport trucks are a synergy between Pertamina and its subsidiaries, namely Subholding Gas (PGN, Pertagas) and Subholding Commercial & Trading (Patra Niaga, Patra Logistik) while collaborating with several other parties such as IMIP (PT. Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park).

Furthermore, Pertamina will distribute oxygen tank trucks to 5 provinces in Java. It includes four units in DKI Jakarta Province, three units for West Java Province, five units for Central Java Province, two units for DI Yogyakarta Province, and five units for Hospitals in East Java Province. The central government will manage 11 units.

Of the 21 oxygen tanks, three tanks have been filled with oxygen. One unit has been distributed in the DKI Jakarta, 1 unit in Central Java, and 1 unit in DI Yogyakarta.

According to Mulyono, for the distribution mechanism, Pertamina cooperates with relevant agencies such as the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, the Ministry of SOEs, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Health.

"We are following instructions from the Ministry of Health. The oxygen tank truck will be driven to hospitals that need it," he said.

Furthermore, the plan for the second phase will come again with six units of oxygen tanks from Balikpapan on July 9, 2021.

"Hopefully, what Pertamina Group is doing can support the government and benefit the nation and people of Indonesia. We hope that the Covid-19 pandemic can end soon so that we can carry out activities as usual," Mulyono concluded.**

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