International Fruit Day, Pertamina Supports the Creativity of Fostered MSEs in Processing Fruits into Business

Jakarta, July 4, 2021 - July 1 is celebrated as International Fruit Day. Through this momentum, PT Pertamina (Persero), through the MSE Funding Program, supports its fostered partners, especially in the fruit processing or sales sector so, they progress and develop. Therefore, they can become upgraded MSEs.

Acting Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications & Investor Relations of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, explained that Pertamina has quite many fostered partners engaged in this sector. In addition to being sold directly, foster partners also process several fruits into contemporary snacks such as fruit chips or other processed foods.

"The position of the Indonesian state, which is in a tropical climate, makes the various plants and fruits abundant here. "The fostered partners then utilize this potential to generate profitable business possibilities," Fajriyah added.

Besides having economic value, it is undeniable that fruits are a source of vitamins and minerals needed by the human body. So, of course, it can be beneficial for both parties. "MSEs receive benefits, while consumers can get health benefits from the processed fruit products they buy," she added.

One of Pertamina's fostered partners who has been in the fruit processing business for a long time is Abdul Rahmat. This man from Pekanbaru, Riau, processes bananas into a fried banana menu with the Pisang Kipas 50 Gold brand. "Starting from a supplier of kepok bananas, now my banana production can reach 1000 pieces per day," said Rahmat.

Not only eaten on the spot, but Rahmat also provides variants of half-ripe bananas to be used as gifts. Therefore, consumers interested in trying the delicious Pisang Kipas 50 Gold can see the menu on social media @pisangkipas50gold. Or come directly to the outlet at Jalan Sultan Syarif Qasim No. 30B, Pasar Limapuluh, Pekanbaru.

Besides Abdul Rahmat, there is also Artje, who processes salak fruit into dodol snacks with a sweet and legit taste. Pertamina's fostered partners from Pangu I Village, Southeast Minahasa, North Sulawesi can produce 4 thousand packs of lunkhead every month. Consumers who want to try their salak dodol products can search in several marketplaces with the keyword Dodol Salak Mandiri because many of them have become resellers of their products.

According to Fajriyah, through the MSE Funding Program, Pertamina wants to provide energy that can move the economy--energy that fuels and energy that produce sustainable growth.

Pertamina also supports SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) achievement through implementing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)-based programs in all of its operational areas. It is part of the environmental and social responsibility to realize economic benefits in the community.**

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