Inviting Donations for friends with disabilities, Pertamina Holds Virtual EcoRun 2020

Jakarta, November 2, 2020 - To welcome its 63rd anniversary, PT Pertamina (Persero) once again invites people who love running to participate in the Pertamina Eco Run.

This year, Pertamina Eco Run is different because it takes place virtually, starting from registration, following challenges according to distance, recording the distance traveled, and running independently at each location.

Pertamina Virtual Eco Run 2020, Energy to Energize, invites people to keep the spirit of maintaining health by running and exercising independently while donating to friends with disabilities who care for the environment.

Registration is open from November 2 – 17, 2020. It is marked by a Press Conference which takes place virtually on Monday, November 2, 2020, and is attended by VP of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, Representative of Friends with Disabilities of the Kumala Abah Dindin Foundation, SPPOI Eminance Sports Doctor, dr. Andhika Raspati, Representative, Race Director of Indonesia Muda Road Runner, Satrio Guardian, and Representative of Pertamina Runners Brahmantyo Satyamurti Poerwadi.

Vice President of Corporate Communication of Pertamina, Fajriyah Usman, explained that Pertamina Virtual Eco Run still carries the spirit of environmental conservation as in previous years. Through the Pertamina Virtual Eco Run 2020, Pertamina mobilizes participant solidarity to donate. It is to help communities of people with disabilities build 5R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Resale, Reshare) recycling production facilities in several districts in West Java Province which are under the guidance of the Kumala Foundation and ten other foundations located in various regions in Indonesia.

"Friends with disabilities who care about the environment were chosen by Pertamina because they are an element of society vulnerable to Covid 19. By donating to the Pertamina Virtual Eco Run 2020, one way to help them get back up," said Fajriyah during the Pertamina Virtual Eco Run Press Conference.

Race Director of Indonesia Muda Road Runner, Satrio Guardian, explained that to become a participant in the Pertamina Virtual Eco Run 2020, the public must download the MyPertamina application and activate it by purchasing Pertamina products. Namely, Pertamax / Pertamax Turbo / Pertamina Dex fuels in order to collect points. To get a Pertamina Virtual Eco Run registration voucher, prospective participants need to exchange 63 MyPertamina points. Vouchers are available during the registration period.

"The number of points is not difficult to obtain, because even with the purchase of 4 liters of Pertamax, for example, prospective participants can collect 100 points," said Satrio.

Furthermore, participants can create an account for registration and submit their running results at After that, participants register by filling in their data, choosing the nominal donation, and entering the voucher code from the MyPertamina application. After making a donation payment, participants can take part in the challenge according to the specified distance and running period.

"Running distance will be recorded virtually through each participant's favorite application, both in multiple runs and real-time runs," he said.

Satrio added, in the Multiple Run period, participants can run within 21 days from November 20 to December 10, 2020, at their respective locations and collect the distance to run as far as 10KM. Whereas in the Real-Time Run session, participants will simultaneously run for 5KM simultaneously in their respective locations, namely December 13, 2020, starting at 05.00 WIB. Furthermore, participants can upload the running results, which will be accumulated automatically and can be seen on the leaderboard at

To prospective participants, SPPOI Eminance Sports Doctor, dr. Andhika Respati reminded Pertamina Virtual Eco Run 2020 is a running event for happiness and health, not for betting. So the participants must apply health protocols, including keeping distance, washing hands, and wearing a mask.

"In the pandemic era, everything got affected. Not only those who like running but also professional athletes. Performance and fitness decline, especially when exercising using masks," said Andhika.**

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