H.E. Mr. Manoj Kumar Bharti, the Ambassador of India to Indonesia, symbolically handed over 100 MT Liquid Medical Oxygen and 300 Oxygen Concentrators to the Representative from Indonesia, Eka Jusup Singka, Head of the Health Crisis Center. It would be distributed by Pertamina to several hospitals in Java and outside Java in Indonesia, in Pier 203 Tanjung Priok, Saturday (24/7).

Pertamina is Ready to Distribute 100 Tons of Oxygen from India

Jakarta, July 24, 2021 - The Government of India had sent 100 tons of liquid oxygen packaged in 5 ISO tanks with a capacity of 20 tons each. The aid arrived today (24/7) at Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta. The handover from the Government of India to the Government of Indonesia was attended by the Ambassador of India to Indonesia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Health, Pertamina, the ranks of the military (TNI), Pelindo, and Customs.

Ambassador of India to Indonesia, H.E. Mr. Manoj Kumar Bharti, said he was happy to help Indonesia, bringing 100 Tons of Oxygen and around 300 Oxygen Concentrates. It is a form of friendship between the two countries.

"I know that this is not a huge amount, but at least this is assistance from the people and the Government of India," said Manoj.

Manoj Kumar added that this moment is a form of friendship and cooperation. Not only can India and Indonesia collaborate in the battle against the crisis, but they may also collaborate in a variety of other fields.

"I hope we can continue our collaboration in the future," said Manoj.

Director of Logistics & Infrastructure of Pertamina, Mulyono, said with the addition of 5 units of ISO Tanks, Pertamina has also provided five units of trucks complete with bed trailers and crews. Pertamina is ready to distribute according to the coordination of the Ministry of Health.

"With the arrival of ISO Tanks from India, the ISO Tanks managed by Pertamina are 40 units with a total capacity of 800 tons. We have distributed around 1,300 tons of oxygen to 206 hospitals in 7 provinces," Mulyono explained.

Mulyono added that the seven provinces are DKI Jakarta, Banten, West Java, Central Java, DIY, East Java to the island of Bali.

"The Ministry of Health has determined the distribution method for hospitals that require oxygen," Mulyono stated.

The Head of the Crisis Center of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, Eka Jusup Singka, expressed his appreciation and gratitude for Pertamina's role in helping to provide transportation and distribute oxygen to minimize oxygen shortages.

"Not only when there was assistance from India, but Pertamina was also present. Previously, Pertamina had brought in thousands of oxygen from within the country. With Pertamina's role in carrying out its duties, it helps the Indonesian Ministry of Health to secure oxygen supply," said Eka.

Eka added that the oxygen distributed through Pertamina's transportation assistance would be used not only in Java and Bali. It will also be distributed outside Java, such as West Kalimantan. The trend of Covid-19 cases is likely to increase outside Java-Bali.

"Pertamina's participation is a real contribution where this cross-ministerial operation in Indonesia runs, across SOEs and entrepreneurs and workers. So once again, Pertamina should be followed by other SOEs. Thanks again to the Ministry of SOEs who have worked well to help us all in handling Covid-19," said Eka.**

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