Pertamina-Ministry of Home Affairs Synergy : Building 4.308 Pertashops Throughout Indonesia to Develop Local Economy

Jakarta, August 17, 2020 – Pertamina synergize with the Republic of Indonesia's Ministry of Home Affairs to build 4.308 Pertashops in the village area to bring BBM and LPG services closer to people in remote areas of the country while at the same time develop the village's potential. Therefore, they can participate in supporting the ambition of a developed Indonesia. 

The Minister of Home Affairs, M Tito Karnavian, emphasizes that the Pertashop is hoped to be able to develop Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the village while encouraging the growth of village innovation through partnerships. It also plays a role in increasing the capacity of the local government. 

"The Pertashop program is a form of coaching from the Ministry of Home Affairs for Regional and Village Governments to develop innovative patterns in accelerating the capacity building as well as the governance and village development. It is based on the management learning process in the community, which can later grow empowerment network to strengthen the local economy," said Tito. 

Tito added that the Pertashop concept aims to serve the fuel needs of all Indonesia, get closer to consumers, and develop outlets to the rural area. 

"The concept developed for Pertashop is a cooperation scheme between the Government, Pertamina and Village Partners," added Tito.

According to Tito, the collaboration of the Ministry of Home Affairs through the Directorate General of Village Government Development with Pertamina is a form of strengthening and reorientation of the Village government development approach with a new paradigm to answer the backwardness of village development which impacts the society. It is one of the important points in efforts to mainstream Village in National Development. 

The Minister of Home Affairs advised the Regional Government and the Village Government to always refer to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Home Affairs and Pertamina so that they can immediately map potential locations with a turnover of 400 liters/day. 

In addition, the Regional Government must also socialize with the community regarding the development and operation of Pertashop, which can help develop the potential of the Village, and not take advantage of the Pertashop program for political interests. 

The Director-General of Village Government Development at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Nata Irawan, added that there are 3,827 sub-districts nationally. It includes 2,376 sub-districts, which do not have distribution institutions but can be accessed directly by Pertamina distribution tankers, and 1,451 sub-districts are still constrained by access for the distribution tank trucks. 

According to Nata, in 2020, 4,308 outlets are targeted for the acceleration plan and program development, which are distributed in developing areas of 2,376 outlets and 1,932 outlets located in potential areas, including West Java, Banten, and East Java. 

President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, emphasized that until August 2020, Pertamina has realized the construction of 500 Pertashop units that are ready to operate in 23 provinces from the target of 4,308 units. Pertashop in 2020 will reach 3,827 districts that do not yet have BBM and LPG distribution agencies. 

According to Nicke, the construction of Pertashop will continue until it has reached all sub-districts that do not yet have BBM and LPG distribution agencies. 

"Pertamina will prioritize MSMEs and business institutions in the village to manage the Pertashop," said Nicke. 

Pertashop, continued Nicke, is in line with the Pertamina One Village One Outlet (OVOO) Program so that it will become a new economic center that brings prosperity to rural communities. 

"For Pertamina, Pertashop and One Price Fuel is the implementation of the mandate to provide energy to all corners of the country to create equitable energy for the realization of a developed Indonesia as desired," concluded Nicke. **

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