Pertamina NRE Adds 2.3 MWp of PLTS in Pertamina Operation Area

Jakarta, January 28, 2022 – Pertamina NRE closes 2021 by increasing the capacity of Solar Power Plants (PLTS) by 2.3 MWp, specifically in Pertamina Group operational areas. The emission reduction potential reaches more than 2,500 tons CO2/year. 

The additional 2.3 MWp capacity includes PLTS at the Cilacap Refinery Unit IV of 1.34 MWp, logistics building Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) of 125.5 KWp, Pertamina Marketing Office West Java Area of 37.5 KWp, Lomanis Fuel Terminal of 131 KWp, Pertamina Lubricants Tanjung Priok factory of 135 KWp, Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) housing complex in Kamojang area of ​​21.75 KWp, and adding PLTS at 77 Pertamina petrol stations with a total capacity of 462 KWp.

"This is part of the follow-up to the joint commitment between Pertamina NRE and other Pertamina Subholdings. As a Sub holding mandated to lead the energy transition at Pertamina, we are very enthusiastic and continue to accelerate to realize the target of 500 MWp green energy installed at Pertamina Group's operational locations," said Pertamina NRE Corporate Secretary Dicky Septriadi.

In 2026, Pertamina NRE aims to establish PLTS with a total installed capacity of up to 500 MWp within the Pertamina Group, including core processes, office areas, housing, and other amenities. Of these targets, several areas with significant capacity potential include the upstream work area of Rokan, with 200 MWp potential, the RU III Plaju refinery, and the Sub holding Commercial & Trading (SH C&T) operation area.

Meanwhile, Pertamina NRE also accelerates the installation of PLTS at Pertamina petrol stations. The total number of petrol stations in which PLTS have been installed at the end of 2021 has reached 141 points with a total capacity of around 1 MWp with a potential emission reduction of 933 tons of CO2/year. This year, the solar power plant is targeted to be installed at 1,500 petrol stations, 200 of which are in the Bali area, along with Pertamina's plan to support the G20 Presidency of the Republic of Indonesia.

Pertamina NRE has the vision to become a green energy champion in Indonesia. To achieve this vision, Pertamina NRE has a mission to lead Pertamina's energy transition through three pillars, namely the development of carbon solutions, new and renewable energy (NRE), and building future businesses. The pillar of developing carbon solutions includes gas to power and decarbonization businesses. The NRE pillar includes geothermal, solar, hydropower, biomass and biogas, wind and ocean current (tidal) power, and waste to energy. Meanwhile, future businesses Pertamina NREbuilds include batteries and electric vehicles, hydrogen, carbon markets, and green industrial areas. Pertamina NRE targets that by 2026 the total installed capacity will reach 10 GW.**

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