Pertamina's Fostered Partner Take Advantage of Herbal Drinks Business Opportunities in the Rainy Season

Jakarta, November 7, 2021 – The rainy season brings its blessings for several PT Pertamina (Persero)'s Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) partners, especially for MSEs producing herbal drinks that can warm the body. Therefore, it also has an impact on encouraging the welfare of MSEs and empowering workers.

Acting Vice President of Corporate Communications, Heppy Wulansari said, the seasonal opportunity is expected to be a turning point for fostered partners to become upgraded MSEs.

"With the increasing demand for its products in this particular season, it can automatically increase production capacity, turnover, expand marketing, to increase the number of available jobs," she said.

One of Pertamina's fostered partners engaged in this field is Sri Handayani. The business owner of WD Anugrah, based in Binjai, North Sumatra, produces instant red ginger bandrek. During the rainy season, the demand for their products usually increases by more than 50 percent.

Even outside the rainy season, red ginger bandrek production increases after being assisted by Pertamina in 2020. "Before being assisted by Pertamina, we could produce 80 kg of processed ginger every month. Now, we can reach 250 kg of processed ginger every month. For people who want to feel the pleasure of processed warm ginger, our products can see the catalog via social media @bandrekjahemerah_," she said.

If you are bored with the same ginger taste, you should try Laili Damayanti's Mantu Kurma Rasa product. Yes, thanks to Laili's creative innovation, the sweetness of dates and the warmth of ginger can be combined to produce a delicious dish that is suitable to be eaten in cold weather. "Initially, I tried to make spicy dates, but the public's response was quite good. Then I ventured to take care of several permits to support my business, such as PIRT, Halal, CV, etc. Then I added other flavor variants such as ginger dates, chocolate dates, coffee dates, and peanut chocolate," she explained. The product catalog can be seen via social media @mantukurmarasa_pedas_kopi_jahe.

It is different with Ririn Musti Wijayaningsih's herbal products. The owner of the UMK Ty'p Herbal Drink Papua has a special concoction that is not only efficacious to warm the body but is also believed to be effective in warding off the COVID-19 virus. "We have a mixed Temulawak product, which contains a mixture of ginger, ginger, turmeric, and lemongrass. These ingredients can increase immunity," she explained.

The business based in East Indonesia, namely Jalan Raya Sentani Waena Jayapura Papua, uses social media to market its products. Location limitations do not become a barrier to promote their products throughout Indonesia. "For those who are curious about what Ty'p Herbal Drink is, you can visit our social media @typjamoe_ and the product catalog at @catalog.typjamoe," said Ririn.

According to Heppy, through the PUMK Program, Pertamina wants to provide energy that can move the economy--energy that fuels and energy that produces sustainable growth. Pertamina also continues to encourage its fostered partner to become upgraded and Go Global MSEs.

Pertamina also supports SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) achievement by implementing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)-based programs in all its operational areas. It is part of the Environmental and Social Responsibility (TJSL) to realize economic benefits in the community.**

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