PGN Subholding Gas Pertamina & the Pertamina Peduli Team Collaborates to Distribute Aid to Residents Affected by Incidents at the Plumpang Integrated Terminal

Jakarta, March 9, 2023 - PT PGN Tbk, as Pertamina Gas Subholding, quickly supported the distribution of aid to residents affected by the incident at the Jakarta Integrated Terminal, Plumpang, on Friday night (3/3/2023). The assistance provided includes ready-to-eat food, elderly diapers, toddler diapers, blankets, and medicines under the recommendations of the Pertamina Peduli Command Post.

"We apologize for the incident and the effect on residents around the location. The assistance provided is in parallel with Pertamina Holding's quick handling efforts, which prioritize the handling of residents. With the assistance provided, it is hoped that it can reduce the burden on affected residents," said PGN's President Director, M. Haryo Yunianto (4/3/2023).

Haryo said that the PGN CSR Team continues to coordinate with the Pertamina Command Post Team (CSR Holding) and related parties regarding the assistance needed by residents. The PGN CSR Team is conducting the necessary assistance expenditures.

The assistance was sent to the Pertamina Peduli Command Post at the Pertamina Subholding Commercial & Trading Office. Pertamina itself is directly involved in handing over aid at several points. Namely, Porko Koramil, Tugu Selatan Lurah Office Post, Rasela Rawabadak RPTRA Post, Community Health Center, and South Rawabada Village Office.

"As part of Pertamina, PGN Subholding Gas will coordinate with the Pertamina Team as Holding in handling incidents that concern all of us and support the commitment to full responsibility for all residents and incident handling. We are committed to distributing assistance and are ready to support through assistance in any form," said Haryo.

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