Restructuration of Pertamina Strengthen National Energy Management

Jakarta, July 22, 2020 – PT Pertamina (Persero) continues to strengthen its commitment to carry out strategic functions in managing and providing energy for the community until the remote areas after the restructuring of the company.

"As a State-Owned Enterprise, all Pertamina's policies have to refer to the directions of the shareholders. In this case, the Ministry of SOEs, representing the Government. In carrying out policies, Pertamina's management always considers strategic aspects, procedures, including all company assets and workers following the applicable legal rules," said Fajriyah Usman, Vice President Corporate Communication of Pertamina in Jakarta, Tuesday (7/21).

Fajriyah emphasized that the restructuring of Pertamina was following the decision of the shareholders as set out in the White Papers and the BUMN Transformation Roadmap.

Also, she ensured that the process is carried out prudently and professionally, in line with existing laws and regulations. In fact, with this step, the Government hopes Pertamina can develop the business more aggressively so that it can increase the company's contribution to the Government.

"Pertamina is currently focusing on the success of restructuring to be able to improve operational and financial performance," she said.

Meanwhile, for the workers, added Fajriyah, Pertamina maximizes the empowerment of workers by ensuring the employment status of all workers. All Pertamina workers remain the same as the protection of work relations and normative rights of workers, such as the provisions of the company wherever they are assigned, both in the holding company (holding) and (sub-holding).

"Pertamina ensures that all Pertamina's business processes are running well, to ensure that services to the public continue to run. Management and workers also remain focused on working and innovating to face challenges going forward and realizing proud innovations and achievement targets such as Fortune 100 and Green Energy," said Fajriyah.**

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