Road to MotoGP Mandalika 2022: Pertamina's Fostered MSE Successfully Draw Big Hotels and Resorts in NTB to Use Their Products

Lombok, January 29, 2022 The business meeting for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) with prospective buyers from the hotel industry in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has finally been completed. The activity held from Thursday (27/1) to Friday (28/1) has succeeded in producing several agreements between the two parties. Six of the dozens of MSEs involved are PT Pertamina (Persero)'s fostered partners, which succeeded in establishing transactions with dozens of hoteliers in ​​the DPSP Mandalika Lombok area.

Among them are Sayuk Wibawati, Pertamina's foster partner and owner of CV Safir Indo Raya, who succeeded in making a total of 5 large hotels and resorts attracted to their products. "Usually, hotels have complimentary drinks such as coffee, tea, and cookies. But the cookie products served usually do not use a wrapper. So, they like to see the attractive packaging of my product," she said.

In addition to the packaging, the hotel industry representatives have also tasted the product firsthand. As a result, all gave positive comments and immediately agreed to Sayuk's offer. "Got the deal because they said my cookie taste was unique and different from other cookies," she added.

Besides Sayuk, there is also Hardi, who owns the Convection Hijrah Blessing business. According to him, this business meeting with the hotel industry is in line with his target market, as hotels often require a lot of equipment related to linen and convection as a hotel amenity.

"There is one hotel that has made a deal to make 60 sets of hotel employees' clothes, besides that they are also planning to order souvenirs that we will be able to accommodate. There is one more hotel that is in the stage of negotiating prices for ordering pillowcases and bolsters," he said. 

Next is Mulyadi's Lombok Mulia Craft business. This business, which is engaged in Lombok's rattan handicrafts, got an agreement with two hotels for breakfast and toiletries. "The products agreed with the hotel are utensils such as plates, spoons, there is also a soap holder made entirely from Lombok's traditional rattan ketak," he continued.

Similar to Mulyadi, Ana Hardiana has an agreement with 3 (three) big hotels for rattan handicrafts. During the business meeting, Ana immediately received orders for 50 trash bins, napkin rings, jars, and a floating breakfast made of rattan.

Vice President for Corporate Communication of PT Pertamina (Persero), Fajriyah Usman, said that of the 6 MSEs fostered by Pertamina that took part in the business meeting, four managed to get an on-the-spot agreement. The remaining two are currently in the stage of negotiation and sending catalogs to several hotel parties who are interested in the product. 

"In total, four Pertamina's fostered MSEs managed to attract 12 large hotels and resorts in NTB to use their products. All of this is a form of support from local MSEs for the success of the Mandalika 2022 MotoGP, which will take place soon," she said.

According to Fajriyah, through the PUMK Program and the Spirit of Energizing Your Future, Pertamina wants to provide energy that moves the economy--energy that fuels and energy that produces sustainable growth. Pertamina also encourages each fostered MSEs to upgrade and Go Global.

Pertamina, which is now 64 years old, also continues to support the achievement of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) through ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)-based programs implementation in all its operational areas. It is part of the Environmental and Social Responsibility (TJSL) to realize economic benefits in the community.**

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