Supporting Excellent Human Resources - Developed Indonesia, Pertamina Provides Educational Assistance to TNI AU Assisted High Schools

Jakarta, August 7, 2020 - Welcoming the 75th Year of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia, Pertamina and the TNI continues to synergize to build superior Indonesian Human Resources (HR). Pertamina's commitment to developing superior human resources is realized by providing educational assistance worth IDR 750 million, which was handed over by President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, and received by the Indonesian Military Commander, Nani Hadi Tjahjanto, in Jakarta, Thursday (6/8). The assistance is intended to improve educational facilities and infrastructure for Pradita Dirgantara High School, a superior school built by the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) located in the Lanud Adi Sumarno Complex, Solo, Central Java.

Nani Hadi Tjahjanto said Pradita High School is a superior school that is open for the best sons and daughters of the nation throughout Indonesia, in which they will be educated to be superior and developed humans.\

"We are honored and appreciate Pertamina's contribution. We will make the most of it for the development of education," said Nani Hadi Tjahjanto.

Nani added that the cooperation between Pertamina and the TNI that has been built so far will continue in the future, and she hopes Pertamina can move forward in the future.

"The cooperation between Pertamina with us is the right thing to do. This cooperation creates superior human resources and future energy for our nation, in which they will continue the process of cultivate Indonesia's natural resources. They love their homeland and will care for it as well. This will be the same synergy with Pertamina," added Nani.

President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati, expressed her pride in being able to participate in supporting the development of superior Indonesian human resources through the synergy between Pertamina and the TNI, which has been going well so far.

"To support superior Indonesian human resources, Pertamina always provides motivation and insight to young people. This is very important in building a superior young generation so that they can make a positive contribution to the nation and state," said Nicke.

Nicke added that Pertamina is always open to any synergies to support the efforts to develop superior Indonesian human resources as the theme of the 75th year of Indonesia's Independence.

"We are open because we can share so much to motivate Indonesia's young generation," added Nicke.

Pertamina's Human Resources (HR) Director, Koeshartanto said, Pertamina welcomed the cooperation with the TNI to build superior human resources jointly.

"The collaboration can be done in the form of scholarships, providing opportunities for internships at Pertamina and inviting students. The young generation can see directly the location where Pertamina produces and processes oil and gas," said Koeshartanto.

According to Koeshartanto, the presence of students in Pertamina's operational areas, such as geothermal processing areas, oil refineries, and other operating areas, shows that Pertamina not only provides energy sources for the nation. Pertamina also prepares Indonesian children who will later become Indonesia's energy.

"Pertamina and the TNI will run, go together, and in the future, we are sure that there will be other programs of cooperation that are more down to earth and better, and it will provide benefits to this beloved Indonesian country," concluded Koeshartanto.**

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