Supporting the Mandalika MotoGP Event, Pertamina Fostered MSEs Are Ready to Promote Lombok's Rattan Products

Jakarta, November 7, 2021 – The MotoGP Mandalika event, held in 2022, will attract the attention of many people, both local and international. This opportunity can also be used by Pertamina's fostered Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) located at Pertamina Mandalika International Street Circuit to introduce local Lombok products.

Acting Vice President of Corporate Communications of Pertamina, Heppy Wulansari, said that organizing the World Superbike (WSBK) motorcycle racing event in Mandalika, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) would bring a multiplier effect in various fields.

"One of them is the creative economy sector and tourism. Pertamina's fostered MSEs can take part in promoting Indonesian culture through various local specialties that they make. It is hoped that it can have a significant impact and support efforts for MSEs to be upgraded," she said.

One of Pertamina's fostered partners located close to Mandalika is Bayu Hendra Putra. The business owner of Gibran Rattan Shop runs his business in Ds. Baleka, East Praya, Central Lombok. The distance is about 30 km or less than an hour's journey by land. "It is a privilege for us. Hopefully, we can become tourists' spot at the MotoGP event later," he said.

Bayu said that the Gibran Rattan Shop itself was started in 1987 and was founded by his father. At first, people in Lombok made a lot of wickers made from ketak rattan, called kecopok, then used as a place for tobacco. "You see that this has the potential to be marketed, finally trying to bring it to Bali, it turns out that many are interested," he said.

Over time, his business is passed down to his children. Until finally, in 2020, Bayu decided to join Pertamina. He experienced several business developments. It starts from increasing the number of permanent workers from 3 to 5 people. Which also affects the products produced from the original 200-500 pcs/week to 250-600 pcs/week. The net turnover that can be pocketed is around IDR -18 million per month.

Another MSE near Mandalika is Ana Hardiana. Hardiana Craft MSE also owns a handicraft business, mostly made of rattan and ate (grass). "This is indeed in my village. Some people are weaving as a source of livelihood other than farming. Starting from elementary school children to parents to become a tradition," said Ana.

Ana had a strong desire to promote the rattan craft not only in Indonesia but throughout the world. Her dream slowly began to come true. Since becoming Pertamina's partner in 2020, she exported her products to South Korea, Brazil, and England.

"Alhamdulillah, even though there is a pandemic, my efforts are prevalent after receiving capital and guidance from Pertamina. Therefore, my business grows better than before," she said.

Her business has shown many developments. The number of workers, which was only two people, has now become seven people. Production of around 50-100 pcs/week also increased dramatically to 1 container/month if orders were busy. From these sales, Ana can earn up to IDR 20 million per month.

Heppy added that through the MSE Funding Program (PUMK), Pertamina also shared energy to generate economic growth in national tourism areas through the MSE Empowerment Program around 5 Super Priority Tourism Destinations (DPSP). One of them is the Mandalika DPSP.

Pertamina also supports SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) achievement by implementing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)-based programs in all its operational areas. It is part of the Environmental and Social Responsibility (TJSL) to realize economic benefits in the community.**

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