Synergy of Pertamina and Central Kalimantan Provincial Government, Optimizing Corporate Asset for Mutual Interest

Palangkaraya, August 7 2020 – In order to optimize the corporate’s asset, Pertamina is creating synergy with Central Kalimantan Provincial Government and East Barito Regency Government so that Pertamina’s asset optimization activity in the form of road asset in Petangkep Tutul and Paju Epat district, East Barito, could offer more benefits to its surrounding environment. 

Vice President of Corporate Communication of PT Pertamina (Persero) Fajriyah Usman said the optimized road asset is 60 kilometers long. At the beginning, this road was opened to support Pertamina’s exploration mobilization in Tanjung region in the late 1960’s. ”With the management of road asset in Barito Timur Regency, we hope that we could help develop the road infrastructure, improve interregional connectivity, so that commodities distribution especially for mining and plantation products could run smoothly,” she added.

The synergy between Pertamina and Central Kalimantan Provincial Government started with a consolidation meeting to reach a mutual agreement. The result of this meeting was the support of Central Kalimantan Provincial Government towards the optimization of Pertamina’s asset, which adds to the Original Local Goverment Revenues (PAD). Aside from this, Pertamina is also collaborating with regional-owned enterprises (BUMD). “In the future, we will have an MoU agreement regarding the utilization of Pertamina’s land with stakeholders who are involved in the Pertamina optimization asset activity,” said Fajriyah.

The consolidation meeting was held in Central Kalimantan Provincial Government office a few days ago. The outcome of this meeting was a synergy agreement signed by Director of Corporate Services of Pertamina, M. Haryo Yunianto and the Governor of Central Kalimantan, Sugianto Sabran. President Director of Patra Jasa (Subsidiary of Pertamina), Central Kalimantan Regional Leader Coordinating Forum (Forkopinda) representative, Head of Central Kalimantan National Land Agency (BPN), Indonesia's Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) team, and East Barito Mayor. **

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