The Minister of Social Affairs Appreciates Pertamina's Concern of Affected Residents of the Balongan Tank Incident

Jakarta, March 30, 2021 – During her visit to the evacuation camps of residents affected by the Tank T-301 incident in the Balongan Refinery Area, the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, appreciates Pertamina's efforts in handling the affected residents, who were still at the Bumi Patra Balongan Sports Center (GOR).

Tri Rismaharini was accompanied by the Regent of Indramayu, Nina Agustina and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Refining & Petrochemical Subholding of Pertamina, Djoko Priyono, as well as the Director of Project Infrastructure, Suwahyanto.

"The location for the evacuation camp is quite convenient for the refugees where Pertamina also provide a psychiatrist for trauma healing for affected residents," explained Risma on Monday (29/3).

During the visit, the Minister of Social Affairs wants to make sure that the basic needs of the residents affected by the tank incident in the Balongan Refinery Area are fulfilled. To all residents, the minister expressed her sympathy and handed over logistical assistance. She expects the residents to be patient and withstand the current situation they are facing. 

To answer media questions about the circulating information of residents' house being damaged, the minister said that her parties have coordinated with Indramayu District Government and Pertamina to follow up on the complaint and ensure its handling will be completed.

"The District Government and Pertamina are currently collecting data. We will see, residents will be assisted," added Risma.

While accompanying the Minister of Social Affairs to visit the affected residents, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Refining & Petrochemical Subholding of Pertamina, Djoko Priyono, said Pertamina prioritized the safety of residents in the surrounding area. At the time of the incident, the first step was to evacuate residents to a more secure area.

"We are currently evacuating the affected residents to the Bumi Patra Sports Center (GOR) and the Futsal Field, which are near to each other. The hope is that the residents' condition can be monitored and their needs can be fulfilled immediately," he said.

At the evacuation camps, Djoko added, Pertamina keeps reminding residents to apply health protocols to prevent the spread of Covid 19. During the evacuation, residents were provided with food, medicine and other emergency needs.

"We coordinated with various parties to handle the impact of the incident. We also prioritize the health conditions of residents while in the evacuation. We ensure that their logistical needs are fulfilled," he concluded. **

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