The Steps of Pertamina's Young Fostered Partner, Successfully Expand Local Products to the Global Market

Jakarta, November 8, 2021 – PT Pertamina (Persero) through the Micro and Small Business Funding Program (PUMK) is expanding the MSME segment of its fostered partners. More and more MSEs from the millennials are interested in becoming young entrepreneurs who promote local wisdom. Some of their products have even made their way to the international market.

One of the millennial MSEs fostered by Pertamina is Ratna Indrawati. This owner of Ratna Artshop from West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), produces and sells "rattan ketak" handicraft products. Not only producing, she also empowers more than 800 craftsmen in NTB to be able to produce handicraft products that are able to penetrate the international market.

“I came from a village where most of the people make a living from woven crafts. And I want to raise their economy for the better with quality products while preserving the products that have been part of the community for a long time,” said the 31-year-old woman.

One of Ratna Artshop's heydays was in 2019. Together with Pertamina, her business was invited to take part in a business matching event with potential buyers from China at the China - ASEAN Expo in Nanning, China. At the exhibition which was held for four days, Ratna was able to make sales with a value of almost IDR 1 billion. To be exact, it was IDR 881 million. A pretty fantastic number.

Furthermore, there is also Achmad Nur Hasim, the owner of the Kekean Wastra Gallery business. The 38-year-old man who is usually called Aam has been running his business since the end of 2014. Now, his business is growing rapidly with sociopreneur concept. “Currently we are empowering 12 KUB (joint business groups), in which the last one that joined was KUB in Gresik with around 290 weavers who are members of it,” he explained.

The business owner who has worked with a luxury goods manufacturer and a well-known French fashion house, Christian Dior, indeed upholds the system of gender equality in his business. In fact, as a form of Women Empowerment, he empowers hundreds of workers, 99% of whom are women.

Not only that, he also gives more portions for people with disabilities to play a role in developing their business into global fashion products. The majority are the younger generation, which according to Aam is what his business currently needs. “The young generation has fresh, creative thoughts, so that the products produced can be up to date and of course of high quality,” he said.

At the Pertamina SMEXPO 2021 event, Aam was also given the opportunity by Pertamina to be one of the speakers for the Go Global MSME Coaching Session. He explained a lot about his success stories in building his business and his relationships with various parties, from local to global.

Acting Vice President of Corporate Communications of Pertamina, Heppy Wulansari added, through the PUMK Program, Pertamina wants to provide energy that can move the economy--energy that fuels and energy that produces sustainable growth. Pertamina continues to encourage each partner to become upgraded and Go Global MSEs.

Pertamina also supports SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) achievement by implementing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance)-based programs in all its operational areas. It is part of the Environmental and Social Responsibility (TJSL) to realize economic benefits in the community.**

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