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Rumah Sakit Pusat Pertamina (RSPP) saat ini memiliki nakhoda baru yaitu dr.Theryoto sebagai Direktur Utama RSPP. Di awal kepemimpinannya, diharapkan RSPP dapat semakin tumbuh lebih baik lagi dengan peningkatan kualitas SDM dan pelayanan disertai dengan perkembangan teknologi terkini serta penerapan ...

2022-10-13 | 12:01

Pertamina continues to support the government and the world's measures in achieving Net Zero Emission by 2060. This commitment is realized through a business decarbonization program and new green business development. #EnergizingYou #G20Indonesia

2022-10-12 | 20:06

Energy is available and accessible for everyone, PSO obligations, One Price Fuel Program carried out to the frontier areas, small and micro businesses partnership program to promote the economy. #EnergizingYou #G20Indonesia

2022-10-12 | 20:04

Pertamina’s strategic initiatives in energy transition consists of green refineries, bioenergy, hydrogen, gasification, EV ecosystem, CCUS and geothermal intensification. #EnergizingYou #G20Indonesia

2022-10-12 | 20:01

Pertamina continues to support the government and the world's measures in accelerating Net Zero Emission by 2060. This commitment is realized through a business decarbonization program and new green business development: carbon trading, green refineries, coal gasification, binary geothermal plant, e...

2022-10-12 | 19:56

Pertamina’s profile eg transformation to holding company with 6 subholdings, Fortune Global 500 achievement, net-zero ambition, inclusive national energy (availability, accessibility, affordability, acceptability, sustainability, challenging fuel distribution routes throughout Indonesia, ESG rating,...

2022-10-12 | 19:52

Pertamina’s profile eg transformation to holding company with 6 subholdings, Fortune Global 500 achievement, net-zero ambition, inclusive national energy (availability, accessibility, affordability, acceptability, sustainability, challenging fuel distribution routes throughout Indonesia, ESG rating,...

2022-10-12 | 19:49

Pertamina’s profile eg transformation to holding company with 6 subholdings, Fortune Global 500 achievement, net-zero ambition, inclusive national energy (availability, accessibility, affordability, acceptability, sustainability, challenging fuel distribution routes throughout Indonesia, ESG rating,...

2022-10-12 | 19:46

Pertamina sukses meraih penghargaan Indonesia Brand Forum 2022. Pertamina ditetapkan sebagai pemenang Indonesia's Top Brand Collab Champion Award 2022 untuk kategori The Best Brand Corporate Collaboration for Nation Branding.

2022-10-12 | 15:27