
3293 search results for:

JAKARTA – PT PGN Tbk berkomitmen dalam menerapkan aspek Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) dalam menjalankan perannya sebagai penyalur gas bumi. PGN satu suara dengan Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan (KLHK) serta pegiat lingkungan hidup dalam mengampanyekan ramah lingkungan ...

2024-05-04 | 10:30

PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to bid 2 Pre...

2024-05-04 | 08:15

PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to bid 2 Pre...

2024-05-03 | 19:15

PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to bid 2 Pre...

2024-05-03 | 18:35

Pelita Air kembali buka rute penerbangan baru Jakarta - Kendari, pada 24 April 2024. Inaugural flight dilaksanakan di Terminal 3 Bandara Soekarno-Hatta Jakarta ke Bandara Halu Oleo Kendari. Jalur ini akan melayani penerbangan 1x/hari selama 1 minggu. Diharapkan dengan dibukanya jalur penerbangan ke...

2024-05-03 | 17:41

Kinerja tahun 2023 menjadi tolak ukur Patra Logistik dalam meningkatkan revenue di tahun-tahun mendatang. Lalu, bagaimana perjalanan Patralog dalam mencapai kinerja terbaiknya di tahun 2023? #pertamina #energizingyou

2024-05-03 | 17:40

Let us energize your week with our latest #EnergiaWeekly edition: click here for full version:ía_29Apr2024 or here for e-paper:ía_29Apr2024_e-paper Happy reading! #pertamina #EnergizingYou #energizingthenation

2024-05-03 | 17:36

Hadir sebagai perusahaan energi nasional, Pertamina mengenalkan Smart Operation di forum Hannover Messe 2024. Seperti apa inovasi tersebut, ini penjelasan Dirut Pertamina. #pertamina #energizingyou #hannovermesse #energizingyourfuture

2024-05-03 | 17:35

PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to bid 2 Pre...

2024-05-03 | 14:15

PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to bid 2 Pre...

2024-05-03 | 11:55
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