
3298 search results for:

Surabaya, 22 Maret 2024 – PT Pertamina (Persero) memantau langsung kesiapan sarana dan fasilitas (Sarfas) energi dan pasokan BBM dan Gas untuk melayani kebutuhan masyarakat pada periode Ramadan dan Idulfitri 2024 di wilayah Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Pemantauan tersebut dilakukan langsung oleh Dir...

2024-03-22 | 17:22

Cilacap, 22 Maret 2024 – PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Refinery Unit IV Cilacap meresmikan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) berkapasitas 0.99 Megawatt peak (MWp) pada Kamis (21/3). Pembangunan PLTS ini merupakan hasil sinergi Pertamina Group, yaitu antara KPI dengan Pertamina N...

2024-03-22 | 12:37

Jakarta, 22 Maret 2024 - Pertamina bersama Kementerian BUMN kembali menyelenggarakan kegiatan Safari Ramadan BUMN 2024, di Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Al Wathoniyah 43, Kelurahan Rorotan, Jakarta Utara, pada Kamis, 21 Maret 2024. Kegiatan ini digelar untuk memberikan kebermanfaatan dan berkah di Bulan ...

2024-03-22 | 11:31

PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to bid 2 Pre...

2024-03-21 | 19:10

PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to bid 2 Pre...

2024-03-21 | 15:50

PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to bid 2 Pre...

2024-03-21 | 14:30

PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to bid 2 Pre...

2024-03-21 | 14:00

PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to bid 2 Pre...

2024-03-21 | 13:55

JAKARTA – PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Nunukan Company (PHENC) Regional Kalimantan Subholding Upstream Pertamina tengah menyiapkan revisi rencana pengembangan (POD) 1 untuk Lapangan Badik dan West Badik yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Bulungan, Provinsi Kalimantan Utara. Berdasarkan rencana tersebut, ...

2024-03-21 | 12:00

PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to bid 2 Pre...

2024-03-21 | 11:25
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