
Archive Year 2017

No. Title Category Publish Date Create Date Action
2291 Humas Pertamina Sumbagsel Kunjungi Kantor Biro Antara Sumatera Selatan Berita Energia 2017-01-31 10:00:00 2017-01-31 08:22:57 View Post
2292 MOR V Dukung Pertamina GO, Aplikasi Pintar untuk Konsumen Cerdas Berita Energia 2017-01-31 09:30:00 2017-01-31 08:19:31 View Post
2293 Pertamina Tantang Pemuda Bandung Ciptakan ‘Ide Gila’ Berita Energia 2017-01-31 09:00:00 2017-01-31 08:16:34 View Post
2294 32.000 Rumah Tangga Prabumulih Siap Masak Pakai Gas Bumi Berita Energia 2017-01-31 08:30:00 2017-01-31 08:13:43 View Post
2295 RU IV Gelar Workshop Rencana Kerja ISRS 2017 Berita Energia 2017-01-31 08:00:00 2017-01-31 07:57:56 View Post
2296 Bantuan PEPC untuk Korban Gempa di Aceh Berita CSR 2017-01-31 08:00:00 2017-01-31 08:05:22 View Post
2297 Invitation to Bid dan ToR Pengadaan Small I Aspal Laycan 13-15 Februari 2017 Shipping Procurement 2017-01-31 00:00:00 2017-01-31 10:24:51 View Post
2298 Invitation to bid Spot Charter MR Clean Product Laycan 31 Jan - 02 February 2017 SIngapore/Malaysia to Balongan Shipping Procurement 2017-01-31 00:00:00 2017-01-31 11:16:24 View Post
2299 Invitation to bid Spot Charter MR Clean Product Laycan 09-11 February 2017 Singapore/Malaysia to Tuban Shipping Procurement 2017-01-31 00:00:00 2017-01-31 11:18:09 View Post
2300 Invitation to bid Spot Charter Small I Clean Product Laycan 02-04 Pebruari 2017 Singapore/Malaysia to Kotabaru Shipping Procurement 2017-01-31 00:00:00 2017-01-31 17:16:58 View Post