Bidding of EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) of Dumai Calciner Project (“DCP”)

Bidding of EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction) of Dumai Calciner Project (“DCP”)



Bidding of EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction)

of Dumai Calciner Project (“DCP”)

Ref. No. 002/DCP-RP/2016


PT PERTAMINA (Persero) in Indonesia and Weifang Lianxing New Material Technology Co.,Ltd in China intend to form a Joint Venture Company (“JV Co”) to develop Dumai Calciner Project.


PT PERTAMINA (Persero) and Weifang Lianxing New Material Technology Co.,Ltdagree willing to conduct a Prequalification, in accordance with SK Direksi PERTAMINA  No. KPTS-043/C00000/2015-S0 of Sistem dan tata kerja Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa at PT PERTAMINA (Persero), as follow:


I . Project Information:
  • Project Tittle : Dumai Calciner Project (“DCP”)
  • Owner          : PT PERTAMINA (Persero) and Weifang Lianxing New Material Technology Co.,Ltd
  • Location       : Refinery Unit – II, Dumai, Riau – Sumatera, Indonesia.
  • Project Scope  :
    • EPC of Calciner Plant with Vertical Shaft Kiln (‘VSK’) Technology.
    • Calciner Plant Annual Product (Anode Grade Calcined Petroleum Coke) Capacity 300.000 MT with 400.000 MT per year Green Coke Feed Capacity 
II . Prequalification Requirements:
  A Administration:
  1. Having a Sertifikat Badan Usaha (SBU) for Integrated Construction Services issued by and registered in authorized Institution in accordance with Indonesian Regulation for Domestic Company;
  2. Having Ijin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi (IUJK)  for Domestic Company (incorporated in Indonesia) for Domestic Company;
  3. Having Permit of Representative for foreign construction companies for Foreign Company;
  4. Having Surat Keterangan Terdaftar (SKT) from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas for Domestic Company;
  5. Providing a statement signed by the Director of the Company which states that:
    • The Company is not under the supervision of a court or legal institution, not bankrupt, not being suspended business activities, and / or Directors of the Company authorized to sign contracts or their proxies are not serving a sentence (penalty) offense;
    • The Company is not in dispute either inside or outside the court / Alternative Dispute Resolution with PT PERTAMINA (Persero);
    • Directors of the Company authorized to sign contracts or their proxies have not been convicted by a judgment of the actions related to company performance or individual professional on procurement of goods / services;
    • Not being exposed to the auction and participate restrictions or not included in the list of sanctioned companies in accordance with PT PERTAMINA                           (Persero) regulation;
    • The Company is not included in the provider of goods / services with the majority share owned by the same people / owners to follow the procurement process of the same project except State’s Companies;
    • The company has no affiliation on the relationship between the 2 (two) or more providers of goods / services which  there is 1 (one) or more of the shareholders / the majority  share owners, the same members of the Board of Directors or Commissioners  to follow the procurement process of the same project.
   B  Financial Capability:
  1. Providing the last 3 (three) years audited financial statement by a public accounting firm of the year 2012 with an "Unqualified" Opinion and delivered in Indonesian or English language, and
  2. Company Net Worth :
    • Foreign Company:
      Having a net worth of at least USD 30,000,000 (“Thirty Million United State Dollars") or equivalent based on 2014 financial statements audited by public accounting firm.
    • Domestic Company:
      Having a net worth of at least USD 10,000,000 (“Ten Million United State Dollars") or equivalent based on 2014 financial statements audited by public accounting firm.
  3. Financial Performance of 2014 shall meet PERTAMINA requirements with score minimum ‘60’ based on PERTAMINA  procedure (will be detailed in PQ document).
   C  Technical Requirements:
  1. Company Experience
    Having experience in 10 (ten) years since 2005, as a main contractor in EPC projects of Calcined Petroleum Coke (‘CPC’) Plant with Vertical Shaft Kiln (‘VSK’) technology in a Calciner Plant with Annual Product (Anode Grade Calcined Petroleum Coke) Total Capacity approximately 180.000 MT with approximately 240.000 MT per year Green Coke feed capacity. This requirement shall be proved by copy of contract (scope of project) and the official handover certificate.
  2. Resources  Requirement :
    • Having Key Person such as Project Manager, Engineering Manager, Construction Manager, QA/QC Manager, Project Control Manager, Commissioning Manager and HSE Manager are available to execute the project as describe above. This requirement shall be proved by submitting Curriculum Vitae of the Key Person.
    • The ownership evidence of the main tools to support the project execution including tools from support partners. This requirement shall be proved by submitting list main tools and the ownership document, and
  3. Having experience of project management in 10 (ten) years since2005, as the main contractorIconsortium member (the parties to the contract) on EPC projects in the Oil & GasIPetrochemical/ Calcined Petroleum Coke with a value of at least:
    • For Foreign Company:
      USD 70,000,000,-("Seventy Million United State Dollars") or equivalent
    • For Domestic Company:
      USD 20,000,000,-(“Twenty Million United State Dollars") or equivalent
 III . Prequalification  Participants:

Companies that can follow Prequalification are:

  1. The domestic company (incorporated in Indonesia) that meet the requirements of the administrative, financial and technical capabilities such as point II. A, B and C above, or
  2. The foreign company shall form a consortium with a domestic company (incorporated in Indonesia with 100% share owned by Indonesian) that meet the requirement of the administrative, financial ability, and technical as required in point II. A, B and C  with the following requirement:
    • Domestic Company shall have project experiences in 10 (ten) years since 2005 as a main contractor or consortium member contractor in EPC projects with scope such as Boiler Plant, STG Plant, Electrical & Control Building. This requirement shall be proved by copy of contract (scope of project) and the official handover certificate and having the Financial Capability as required in point II.B.2.b above.
    • Consortium Leader is a company that has experience and has the largest portion of scope of work with the greatest financial value.
    • At submission of Prequalification documents response, the Consortium shall submit original documents of the Preliminary Consortium Agreement (form will be provided in Prequalification Documents)
 IV .  Enrollment and Admission of Prequalification Document:
  1. For picking up Prequalification documents, Company shall meet the requirements of point II. B and C by showing all documents required.
  2. Enrollment and Admission of Prequalification Document can be obtained by the representative of company and must present a valid the power of attorney signed by the Director / authorized representative of the Company:
    Day / Date        : Monday, 25th April 2016 Friday, 29th April 2016        
    Time                : 09.00 a.m to 03.00 p.m. Jakarta Local Time
    Venue               : PT PERTAMINA (Persero) Refining Project Office - Patra Office Tower, 2nd  Floor, Jl.
                              Gatot Subroto Kav. 32-34 - Jakarta
V . Prequalification Meeting:

Prequalification meeting will be attended by representative of company or prospective consortium members. The attendance must present a valid the power of attorney signed by the Director / authorized representative of the company:

Day / Date         : Monday, 2nd May 2016
Time                 : 08.30 a.m Jakarta Local Time until  finished.
Venue               : PT PERTAMINA (Persero) Refining Project Office - Patra Office Tower,
                          2nd  Floor, Jl. Gatot  Subroto Kav. 32-34 – Jakarta,

VI . Prequalification Document Response Submission:

Day / Date         : Tuesday, 10th May 2016
Time                 : 03.00 p.m  Jakarta Local Time
Venue               : PT PERTAMINA (Persero) Refining Project Office - Patra Office Tower,
                          2nd  Floor, Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 32-34 – Jakarta,


The company or The consortium that will be invited as EPC tenders participants  are those have been declared as passing the Prequalification process by e-mail.


Jakarta,   25th April 2016






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