Shipping Procurement

2013-08-27 | 16:31
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: Document Download No Document Name 1 Invitation To Bid 2 Term Of Referrence 3 Minutes of Prebid Meeting
2013-08-27 | 16:23
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: Document Download No Document Name 1 Invitation To Bid 2 Term Of Referrence 3 Minutes of Prebid Meeting
2013-08-26 | 10:17
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: Document Download No Document Name 1 Invitation To Bid 2 Term Of Referrence 3 Minutes of Prebid Meeting
2013-08-26 | 10:13
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: Document Download No Document Name 1 Invitation To Bid 2 Term Of Referrence 3 Minutes of Prebid Meeting
2013-08-23 | 15:45
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition Document Download No Document Name 1 Invitation To Bid 2 Term Of Referrence 3 Minutes of Prebid Meeting
2013-08-23 | 08:09
Dear Sir / Madam, PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Ship Owners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition Document Download No Document Name 1 Invitation To Bid 2 Term Of Referrence 3 Minutes of Pr...
2013-08-21 | 07:46
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: Document Download No Document Name 1 Invitation To Bid 2 Term Of Referrence 3 Minutes of Prebid Meeting
2013-08-20 | 08:33
Regarding to: Our invitation to bid No. 948/F30120/2013-S6 dated 24 July 2013. Chartering announcement No. 1002/F30120/2013-S6 on Closing Date of LR – CO Procurement Laycan 15 – 20 September 2013. Download :Perubahan tanggal Closing LR-CO, Laycan 15-20 September 2013.pdf
2013-08-19 | 12:23
Pada hari ini, Senin 19 Agustus 2013 mulai pukul 10.00 WIB, bertempat di Ruang Rapat Kantor PT PERTAMINA (Persero) Shipping Jl. Yos Sudarso 32-34 Jakarta Utara, Fungsi Chartering telah memberikan penjelasan kepada peserta pelelangan untuk pekerjaan tersebut diatas seperti tercantum pada Berita Acara...
2013-08-16 | 16:32
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: Document Download No Document Name 1 Invitation To Bid 2 Term Of Referrence 3 Minutes of Prebid Meeting