Shipping Procurement

2014-09-23 | 00:00
Mengacu Invitation To Bid dan Term Of Reference (ToR) No. 2098 /F30120/2014-S6 tanggal 17 September 2014. Dengan ini kami sampaikan bahwa sehubungan dengan adanya perubahan rencana operasional, maka proses pengadaan COA Trayek Kotabaru/Balikpapan-Banjarmasin laycan 10 – 14 Oktober 2014 ditunda sampa...
2014-09-23 | 00:00
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to Bid 2 Prebid (Minutes of Prebid Meeting)
2014-09-23 | 00:00
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to bid 2 Prebid (Minutes of Prebid Meeting) 3 User Manual E-C...
2014-09-19 | 00:00
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to Bid 2 Prebid (Minutes of Prebid Meeting)
2014-09-19 | 00:00
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to Bid 2 Prebid (Minutes of Prebid Meeting)
2014-09-18 | 00:00
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to Bid 2 Prebid (Minutes of Prebid Meeting)
2014-09-16 | 00:00
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to Bid 2 Prebid (Minutes of Prebid Meeting)
2014-09-16 | 00:00
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to Bid 2 Prebid (Minutes of Prebid Meeting)
2014-09-15 | 00:00
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to Bid 2 Prebid (Minutes of Prebid Meeting)
2014-09-15 | 00:00
PT. PERTAMINA (PERSERO), Marketing & Trading Directorate – Shipping, hereby invites Shipowners/Brokers to bid for a trading vessel, with the following specification, term, and condition: File download: No File to download 1 Invitation to Bid 2 Prebid (Minutes of Prebid Meeting)