Siaran Pers

2021-10-09 | 14:10
Jakarta, October 9, 2021 – Roemah Kebaya MSE is among those affected by the pandemic. However, Vielga Wennida's MSE has survived. This year, her business was allowed to participate in the Pertamina SMEXPO 2021 event on 12-14 October 2021 through She had great hope for...
2021-10-09 | 10:35
Jakarta, October 9, 2021 – Local products enthusiasts have to get ready soon. Because PT Pertamina (Persero) in its support for the Proudly Made in Indonesia Movement (GBBI) also launched a virtual exhibition of Pertamina SMEXPO MSMEs on 12-14 October 2021 by accessing the PERTAMINA SMEXPO web...
2021-10-05 | 14:30
Jakarta, October 5, 2021 – The upstream oil and gas industry continues to find sources of oil and gas reserves. Recently, through the fulfillment of the Firm Commitment (KKP) of the Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Jambi Merang Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) in open areas, Special Task For...
2021-10-04 | 14:11
October 4, 2021 - PT Pertamina (Persero) is committed to supporting the Proudly Made in Indonesia Movement (GBBI) initiated by the Government of Indonesia. This commitment is realized by launching Pertamina SMEXPO on October 12, 2021. Acting Senior Vice President Corporate Communication & Invest...
2021-10-03 | 19:59
Jakarta, October 3, 2021 – PT Pertamina (Persero), through the Micro Small Business Funding Program (PUMK), continues to pay attention to MSEs sustainability in Indonesia. It includes MSEs in Eastern Indonesia, such as Papua and West Papua. They receive guidance and assistance like fostered pa...
2021-10-03 | 14:38
Jakarta, October 3, 2021 – PT Pertamina (Persero) through partnership program upholds gender equality in each of its coaching programs. Similar efforts were also carried out by several Pertamina’s fostered partners, they empowered women to participate in developing their businesses. Ther...
2021-10-03 | 12:25
Bali, October 3, 2021 - With 2025 participants, Pertamina's student-level business idea competition "Pertamuda, Seed and Scale 2021", 50 teams from 23 Indonesia State Universities passes the preliminary round. The three best participants received coaching funds worth IDR 300 million, namely the Chic...
2021-10-01 | 17:22
Jakarta, October 1, 2021 - After completing the legal process, PT Pertamina (Persero) ensures that the company's restructuring will continue to realize shareholders' aspiration to make Pertamina a leading global energy company with a market value of USD 100 billion. Pertamina's determination to cont...
2021-10-01 | 14:18
Jakarta, October 1, 2021 – The South Sulawesi SidenrengRappang (Sidrap) District Prosecutor has issued a 10-month prison sentence for Pertamina employee recruitment fraud. The defendant was convicted in a criminal case of ITE (Information, and Electronic Transactions) in the form of fraud with...
2021-10-01 | 13:13
Jakarta, October 1, 2021 - To accelerate energy startups growth in Indonesia, PT Pertamina (Persero) held the Pertamina XScouts program as an open innovation collaboration platform between Pertamina and energy startups founders. It was officially opened through the One Day Virtual Talks event titled...