Research and Development As a national energy company with global standards, the company continuously performs research and development to increase capability as well as efficiency that can answers challenges in the future. Research and Technology Center (RTC) in Pertamina has a duty to formulate strategies that can respond to Pertamina's current and future needs, as well as to enhance Pertamina's technology capability towards a world-class energy company. Research and development in Pertamina are established by:
1. Optimizing the currently-owned resources and amplifying the production of oil and gas from the existing fields; |
2. Exploring new resources, including unearthed resources from unchartered territory; |
3. Developing ideas, providing solutions, and disseminating the use of new technology; |
4. Performing business diversification, such as petrochemical, chemical, and new and renewable energy business. |
In 2020, RTC has carried out a total of 171 projects, with details, 105 are research projects and 66 are commercialization and operational projects. The entire project is carried out by the following 4 functions:
1. | The Planning & Commercial Development function, with a total of 66 projects and 8 projects, are the top priorities in 2020, consisting of: |
2. | Upstream Research & Technology Innovation functions, with a total of 42 projects and 8 projects are the top priorities in 2020, consisting of: |
3. | Downstream Research and Technology Innovation functions, with a total of 60 projects and 8 projects are the main priorities in 2020, consisting of: |
4. | Laboratory Services functions, with a total of 9 projects and 3 projects are the main priorities in 2020, consisting of: |
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