Siaran Pers

2021-12-28 | 10:29
Surabaya, December 28, 2021 - To anticipate and improve service to consumers, the board of directors of PT PertaminaPatra Niaga carried out a "Management Walkthrough" (MWT) activity to Pertamina Patra Niaga's facilities and services in the East Java region. Patra Niaga Regional Marketing Director, M...
2021-12-28 | 08:46
Jakarta, December 28, 2021 – During this year's Christmas Holiday, Pertamina's quality fuel consumption experienced a significant increase in the West Java region. Many people choose to use Pertamina's high-octane quality fuel. This increase occurred in Pertamax fuel of 17% on December 25 comp...
2021-12-27 | 11:55
Jakarta, December 27, 2021 - PT Pertamina International Shipping (PIS), the Subholding Integrated Marine Logistics of PT Pertamina (Persero), ensures fuel and LPG distribution runs safely and smoothly during the 2021 Christmas to the 2022 New Year (Nataru). PIS is a part of the Nataru Task Force, wh...
2021-12-27 | 10:51
Balikpapan, December 27, 2021 - Pertamina, through PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) Balikpapan Unit, ensures that the Balikpapan Refinery continues to operate despite the Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays. It was emphasized by the Acting General Manager of the Balikpapan KPI Unit, Wahy...
2021-12-27 | 09:50
Balongan, December 27, 2021 - Pertamina, through Subholding Refining & Petrochemical, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) Balongan Unit is responsible for carrying out the Government's mandate to ensure national energy security in meeting fuel and LPG needs, especially during Christmas an...
2021-12-26 | 11:05
Cilacap, December 26, 2021 – PT Kilang PertaminaInternasional (KPI) Refinery Unit (RU) IV Cilacap ensures that the production and supply of fuel (BBM) is sufficient. It was emphasized by the General Manager of PT KPI RU IV Cilacap, Eko Sunarno, regarding the momentum of Christmas 2021 and 2022...
2021-12-26 | 10:11
Dumai, December 26, 2021 – Pertamina through SubholdingRefining & Petrochemical, PT Kilang Pertamina International(PT KPI) Refinery Unit Dumai ensures the refinery continues to operate normally and produce refined products needed by the community. PT KPI Refinery Unit Dumai is one of the l...
2021-12-26 | 09:10
Palembang, December 26, 2021 - PT Kilang PertaminaInternasional (PT KPI) Refinery Unit Plaju ensures that fuel and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) production remains normal throughout the 2021 Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays. General Manager (GM) of PT KPI Refinery Unit Plaju, EdyJanuary Utam...
2021-12-25 | 15:54
Jakarta, December 25, 2021 – Pertamina through Subholding Refining & Petrochemical, PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) which manages all oil and gas refineries in Indonesia ensures that refineries continue to operate normally and produce refined products needed by the public. Perta...
2021-12-25 | 14:54
Palembang, December 25, 2021 – When you hear Belida's name, you will immediately think of a fish and an icon of South Sumatera. The habitat of this fish that lives in the waters of Sumatera with the popular name Belida Musi is now threatened. Regulation of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and ...